Adapt | 3rd Party Testing & Certificates of Analysis

ADAPT is committed to providing complete transparency of our beverages & supplement products. Our products are produced under our supervision & to our specifications and made in licensed facilities that have achieved Good Manufacturing Practice Certification or higher. Our food & beverage products are tested by state licensed third party labs for Potency, Residual Solvents (VOCs), Mold & Heavy Metals Analysis. The results from these tests are published on this page and can be downloaded at anytime. To find out which lab report applies to the beverage or supplement you’re consuming look for the ‘Best Buy’ date printed on label and match the date to its product below.





Frequently Asked Questions

Advice from our Founder

Why did you start Adapt?

Locker Rooms have long been filled with sugary and synthetic hydration & recovery options for athletes, and “Dr. prescribed” opioids have long been offered, or forced upon top-level athletes, sometimes against their better judgement.

I want athletes to know there is better options available.

What's Adapt's Mission?

Our Mission is to innovate products that athletes want to use, taste great, and provide a healthy alternatives to synthetic & sugary beverages, supplements, and opioids riddled throughout the locker room and homes throughout the world.

Who is your greatest influence?

My dad!

Connect with our Founder