What is the NSF?
National Science Foundation = NSF
NSF’s Certified for Sport® helps athletes, dietitians, coaches, and consumers around the world make safer decisions when choosing sport supplements, functional foods, and personal care products.

By athletes, for athletes.
Adapt has made it their mission to create healthy and functional products for athletes based on science. Not only do the Adapt products work, but they taste great too because lets face it, we want you coming back again and again.

April 20, 2022
1st to earn NSF-Certification
ADAPT became the first of it's kind beverage to earn and be approved for sale/use in all major sports leagues, teams, & professional and collegiate locker rooms for athletes to use The NSF: Certified for Sport® certification is the only independent third-party certification program recognized by USADA, MLB, the NHL and the CFL. Certified for Sport® is also recommended by the NFL, NBA, PGA, LPGA, CCES, CPSDA, iNADO, Ironman, NASCAR.